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Allow The Pride March! Everyone Has a Right to Be Happy! Voting is an Act of Resistance Everyone Has a Right to Be Happy! Fight For Freedom! Everyone Has a Right to Be Happy!
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Welcome To Annual Performers Festival Rexville

Let's Stand Together for LGBTQ Rights


Take action

Rexville has no pride, no gay bars, no anything for the LGBT community. This march means a lot to us and to have it taken away is just ridiculous!

Love has no gender! Love is unconditional and for 1500+ people to make us and our community feel unwelcome and unwanted is heartbreaking! It’s the 21st-century, equality for everyone!!!

Everyone has to be able to be who they are. We are all free and if we want a parade no one should stop us.

Pride Community in Rexville

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Why Is It Important?

We should be allowed to be who we really are. We must stop the obvious oppression to reach a common understanding. People need to tolerate different cultures and backgrounds!

Paul Bridges

Chrisitina's Friend

Love has neither color nor orientation. I strongly believe that everyone has the right to love and be loved.

Lola Henry

Christina's Sister

Love can’t be banned! That’s why people are free to do what they feel is right for them and not be punished or criticized for it! My children are both gay and I feel proud of them not hiding their feelings!

Jenna Henry

Chrisitna's Mom

Christina’s story is highly inspiring. I think we all should be accepted to love who we want to love.

Mike Green

Chrisina's Workmate


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14 Dezember 24

Gegen Faschismus, Queer- und Frauen-Feindlichkeit – für ein buntes statt braunes Berlin!

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